Metabolic Diet: Transforming Your Body into a Fat-Burning Machine

The Metabolic diet is the revolutionary weight loss programs designed by using organic food recipes and healthy metabolism boosting foods we enjoy in order to manipulate the body’s natural hormones to burn off excess fat without sacrificing lean body mass. Founded by Dr. Di Pasquale, the Metabolic Diet is based on scientific principles and medical research. As nutritionist Diane Kress explains, “‘traditionally, weight loss programs have been built on the assumption that everyone’s metabolism works in the same way.”

Step 1: Control the Carbs, Control the Insulin

Metabolism is a process by which your body converts calories from food into energy, and boosting it is the key point in losing weight. But the degree of your body burns calories related to several factors such as you basal metabolic rate, age, sex, and genetics. With Metabolic diet, you can achieve your desired goal weight as the organic food recipes are flexible enough to suit anyone, regardless of your carbohydrate needs. The key point is to find the lowest carb level you need to function optimally without stimulating insulin release. By controlling your dietary carbs, you can maximize your muscle mass and minimize body fat. With the Metabolic diet, losing weight is easy with a few simple steps.

Step 2: Eat As Much As You Want with Metabolic Diet

You can eat as much of the healthy metabolism boosting foods that include healthy fats, lean proteins (great metabolic boost), and veggies as long as it is sensible. The important point is to control the amount of carbs. By temporarily eliminating most carbohydrates you’d stop contributing extra sugar and it will enable the liver to deplete most of the glycogen in your liver, which then control the insulin and therefore makes it easier to mobilize body fat, which is then preferentially burned for energy. You should not do crash diets because your metabolism will slow down in order to conserve energy and the weight is lost in the muscle instead of fat. Make breakfast as a priority with metabolic diet as studies show that you are more likely to control weight that way. This may be because you’re lifting your metabolic rate after it’s been in a “resting phase”.

Step 3: Keep Your Body Busy Digesting with Metabolism Boosting Foods

When it comes to eating, use organic food recipes for best results and remember that you need to avoid gaps of more than five hours without a meal or a snack, as it prevents the liver from releasing stored sugar. By spreading metabolism boosting foods throughout the day, your body is constantly working, constantly processing food, and burning calories at a consistently higher rate.

Step 4: Water Keeps the Fat-Burning Machine Running

Fluid intake is essential as your body excretes waste from the bloodstream. The brain intentionally slows down fat burning until the blood is properly diluted. Aim to drink at least two liters of caffeine-free fluids a day. Be it sugar-free juice or simply plain water.

Step 5: Perfect that Muscle Tone with Metabolic Diet and Exercise

In addition to burning the stored fat with metabolism boosting foods, frequent exercise also plays a key role in losing excess weight. You should at least do a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise, four to five times a week. Your metabolism can increase a lot by exercising and it stays at a higher rate for longer. It is also ideal to incorporate strength or resistant training as it will increase the muscle mass and tone your body while burning those excess fat. In fact, if you have more muscles, you burn more calories!

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